Got 2 Sing Pinks It Up for Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Pink was the colour and singing was the game last week at choir rehearsals!
Got 2 Sing’s 9 adult choirs raised just over £1100 – amazing! Proceeds will go to the Worcestershire Breast Unit Haven which opened in February 2016 at Worcestershire Royal Hospital. The Unit provides a comprehensive service under one roof, with state-of-the-art equipment, including new digital mammogram and ultrasound machines. Its aim is to be one of the best breast units in the UK, providing clinical services, assistance and complementary therapies over and above what the NHS can offer.Bewdley PinkAs part of October’s national Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Got 2 Sing held ‘Pink it Up’ evenings where members donned anything pink – from wigs to tutus, even the men – in return for a donation.
Choir leader and founder Beth Dunn, commented, “Breast cancer awareness means a great deal to us at Got 2 Sing. We have heard many personal stories from members about their experience of breast cancer and how joining a choir / singing has brightened up many a dark day and certainly lifted their spirits. So it was important that we honoured national Breast Cancer Awareness Month in whatever way we could.”
As part of the campaign some choir members chose to share their stories of their experiences of breast cancer which were published on social media in the hope that they may help others – including their families and carers – feel they are not alone.Chelt Pink
The fundraising for the breast cancer charity will continue long after October too as Got 2 Sing have chosen to support Worcestershire Breast Unit Haven at their 2017 Symphony Hall Concert.
It’s fair to say Got 2 Sing leaves October well and truly in the pink and Worcestershire’s Breast Unit Haven £1000 better off!
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